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An exclusive business club that is proven to grow revenue, develop influential relationships and deliver exceptional value.


"We gained a clear return on investment very quickly. Bizpedia consistently puts us in front of the right people."

Culture Drives Performance.

When you join Bizpedia, you and your business become part of a team of companies that work together confidentially to create business opportunities and support each other in a variety of ways. We also have a LOT of fun doing so. You earned it.

Supporting your journey

Business owners create successful businesses in different ways. Rarely is that due to an equal distribution of talents. The focus on our natural strengths often means sacrifice in developing our weaknesses.

This is the power of the Bizpedia community. We go beyond polite introductions to create close teams in which everyone draws skills and knowledge from the group and brings the strength of our networks together.

It’s the quality of our members that makes Bizpedia stand out.

  • We are immensely proud to be a national partner of Bizpedia. The network has proven to be an invaluable source of connections, backed up with camaraderie which is second to none
    David Ox, Managing Director, Winged Boots
  • “The support and encouragement I get from the Bizpedia community has helped me progress as a business owner and I’ve had a lot of fun along the way. But the real bonus is the targeted approach to meeting the right people, encouraging collaboration and building long term relationships
    Lisa Delahunty, Managing Director, Waste Management Facilities
  • The Bizpedia team is accessible, supportive and effective which is why we consider Bizpedia to be a long-term partner of the Peter Cooper Motor Group
    Darren Cooper, Managing Director, Peter Cooper Motor Group