Frequently Asked Questions

Better businesses require better leaders. Bizpedia exists to support founders and directors in being the best version of themselves. We all have unique strengths, weaknesses, and challenges in business. Bizpedia is the community where you and your group peers exchange skills, inspiration and energy to power business success. It’s the opposite of polite, superficial networking. We don’t even want you to think of this as networking! It’s about having a close community of successful people to draw on.

Genuine teamwork is at the core of our experience. To achieve that each group comprises a maximum of 16 members, selected so each has sector exclusivity. Each group has its own geographical area and we aim to base the members in the group within a 45 min driving radius.

Bizpedia’s programme consists of 10 core events per year, all of which are included in your membership fee.

4 private board meetings where each group meets in confidence to share insights and knowledge about the challenges facing business owners and their solutions. They will often involve expert guest speakers on key business topics, with a strong focus on driving success.

4 private events which are more about relaxed social interaction, but with purpose. These can range from Mercedes Benz driving experiences to culinary classes. They are enjoyable, challenging and help cement relationships and broaden our horizons! The private events are where members are invited to bring guests into the network to expand the range of connections within the group.

We also periodically host online and in-person events where the entire Bizpedia membership come together as one to build connections across the groups. In addition to the core events we also arrange other bespoke events, some of which may involve travel overseas (with some additional cost). Chat to us and we can explain the full variety of exciting experiences we offer.


Bizpedia has a diverse membership and we curate our groups carefully for maximum value so please don’t feel you need ‘be a certain type’ or ‘act a certain way’ to be a valuable member. A spirit of reciprocity is the glue. A desire to improve our businesses and ourselves by being open, giving and receptive is the hallmark of good leadership. We’re here to give you the environments and experiences to bring all our members value.

Our memberships are on an annual basis. We understand this is a commitment, but for good reason. Because the quality of our experiences and the value they deliver isn’t something built by dipping in and out. Valuable relationships need to be built on commitment. Our 88.6% year-on-year retention rate speaks to the value we deliver for members.

Our groups thrive on energy, positive interaction, and the formation of real trust. What sets Bizpedia apart is that we don’t say “there you go; sink or swim”. We hold regular performance reviews with our members and then take proactive action to ensure they are getting a positive ROI from their membership.

If you are interested in one of our Bizpedia groups we’re very happy to have an initial chat to answer any further questions. Just request access and we will be in contact.