Meet the Community

Meet the members that make up Bizpedia


Revenue Generated

Bizpedia isn’t just a luxury, it’s a sound investment. We don’t solely measure ROI financially, but aiding business success is at the core of our mission.


Connections Made

Our groups may be small and tailored but our networks are mighty! And bringing the full power of our networks to the table is very much the Bizpedia way. We unlock the doors that regular networking doesn’t.


Combined Turnover

There is no minimum turnover required for membership. But we acknowledge this figure as a key metric that we are achieving our members’ goals, by connecting them in a meaningful way with other decision-makers with clout!

Kyle Sharland – Managing Director of Oh-Tech

Bizpedia’s relaxed atmosphere not only facilitates meaningful interactions but also enables me to forge genuine personal connections. This unique blend of connections and environment sets Bizpedia apart, making it a standout experience compared to other networking groups I’ve encountered in the past.


Handpicked members

Our community is growing and the quality of business leaders we are attracting is testament to the quality of our programme of events and the value they are delivering for members.

88.6% Retention Rate

Our retention rate is the metric we value most. It tells us that the bold decisions we have made, to create a business community that goes far beyond regular networking, is what business leaders need to power their future success.

Case studies

  • Jason Oliver

    Managing Director at Global Ceramic Tiling Ltd.

    I would describe Bizpedia as a fantastic networking group. If you want to build relationships, it’s 100% for you.

    The most valuable aspect for me is the support. It’s great to sit around a table and learn from like-minded individuals.

    I know that whenever I need support, I can turn to Bizpedia for the right connection, which consistently saves me time.

  • Lizz Clarke

    Managing Director at Logical Creative Marketing

    Every year since joining I have obtained business that covers the membership fee and beyond. So, it has always been well worth it financially!

    Running a business can be lonely. Sitting around a table and hearing other people’s situations and getting advice from them has also been hugely beneficial.

    I really appreciate the holistic approach Bizpedia brings to it’s members, especially the introduction to meditation, which has now become a regular practice for me!


  • James Read

    Managing Director at Giant Peach

    It’s great networking, the events are fantastic! It’s really opened my eyes to amazing places to take my team and clients.

    My clients really love the events, being able to give them the opportunity to grow their network allows me to say thank you and make a great impression!

    I’ve also personally made really good friends in this group, it’s really rewarding to be on the journey with people who have very similar lifestyles, challenges and aspirations.

Hear From More Members

Helen Freeston

Head of Marketing at Paris Smith LLP

Ashley Benfield

Managing Director of P & I Group - Emergency Power Services

Lee Butler

Managing Director of Town & Country Communications