Exclusive Bizpedia Events

Developing and maintaining your business reputation – what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

Thursday 27th January / Via Zoom

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You are warmly invited to attend an exclusive event with the partners and guests of Bizpedia a high-end business club of business owners and senior decision makers.

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9am – Arrival & Bizpedia Welcome

9.15am – Keynote Speaker: Kevin Briscoe

9.30am – Networking via Breakout rooms.

10am – Finish

Event Details/Agenda

Join Bizpedia members & guests at our monthly online event. These events are designed to bring you top class speakers who can help inspire and educate you on your journey. We always allow some time at the end for networking, so you can build some valuable connections and relationships at the same time.

This month’s speaker is Kevin Briscoe the managing director of Briscoe PR.

PR is not just about the fluffy good news stories of charity work and new recruits – it is the high-level business consultancy that provides the conscience for your organisation, predicting reputation risks, optimising opportunities, managing the messaging and aligning your communications with your business objectives.
You may not want to hear it, but find out why you will need to hear what a PR advisor has to say when the reputation of you and your business is at stake.


27th January


9am till 10am

Venue Address:

Online via Zoom. Joining details will be emailed to you prior to the event.

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Our events are proven to create new quality connections and strengthen existing business relationships, and most of all, they’re exciting and just straight up good fun!

So, book your place now and grow your network

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