Bizpedia’s February Guest events – Special Forces Experience Day and Clay Pigeon Shooting day

10th March / Bizpedia
Bizpedia had some exciting Guest events last month - a Special Forces Experience Day and Clay Pigeon Shooting Day. Read on to find out what the event days involved and who the top scorers were.

Throughout each year, we run several events for our Bizpedia members, including: Rockstar events, Board Meetings, and Guest events. In February, we ran our first Guest events of the year. The Guest events allow our members to bring a guest along to get a taste of what Bizpedia is about. Southampton, Bournemouth and Poole each undertook a Special Forces Experience day, and Basingstoke and Portsmouth each undertook a Clay Pigeon Shooting day.

The Special Forces Experience event days were at Chewton Glen in New Milton on the 8th (for Southampton), 10th (for Bournemouth) and 15th (for Poole) of February. The members and guests arrived at 9am to enjoy tea, coffee and bacon rolls. They then undertook 5 exciting, heart-racing activities with the support of V-Force Training. The 5 activities were: assault rifle skills (paint firing) and vehicle gunnery skills, pistol firing (paint firing), pistol disarm drills, vehicle immobilised anti-ambush drills, and introduction to advanced driving, hazard perception and threat awareness. When the activities had finished, each of the group’s members and their guests sat down to enjoy a 2-course lunch. They shared their stories and experiences from the day and had time to get to know other business members and the guests they had invited along.

Top scorer from the Southampton group was Simon Dixon, from the Bournemouth group Kyle Sharland, and from the Poole group Laurie Marlow.

The Clay Pigeon Shooting event days were at Oakley Hall Hotel in Goodwood on the 16th (for Basingstoke) and 17th (for Portsmouth) of February. The members and guests arrived at 9am to enjoy some morning refreshments with bacon or vegetarian rolls. They then undertook a variety of clay pigeon shooting challenges which were suitable for beginners and experts. After the challenges had been completed, each group’s members and their guests then sat down to enjoy a 2-course lunch in the grand library, where they could discuss their experience and build valuable connections.

Top scorer was Wayne Loon from the Portsmouth group. The Basingstoke group, however, had 2 joint top scorers – David Ayre and Anthony Tilley.

The events had great feedback from members. Lizz Clarke from the Portsmouth group stated: “We had a fantastic day at our clay pigeon shoot The Goodwood Group today. I was pretty proud of my 24 points out of 50, we were all totally knocked into a cocked hat by Wayne Loon who is such a great person all round, and stupidly good at shooting.”

Alison Craig from the Southampton group stated: “My cheeks ache from laughing so much today. Let’s just say I won’t be joining the Special Forces and I’m in awe of their skills! Thank you Josh at Bizpedia for arranging another brilliant networking opportunity with the expert help of V-Force Training.”

Here at Bizpedia, we combine business, self-development and having fun! These events definitely were a lot of fun and we are looking forward to our Rockstar event in March in which our top members will be rewarded with a surprise trip!

If you are interested in finding out a bit more about Bizpedia, the regular events we run and how joining our exclusive club could benefit you and your business, feel free to send us a message via our website.

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