Bizpedia’s March Rockstar event – Members go skiing in Norway!

13th April / Bizpedia
Our standout members went skiing recently in Norway as a reward for their contribution to Bizpedia. Find out about what they got up to on their trip...

Last month we had our first Rockstar event of the year! This is one of our favourite events and we run this every quarter.

The aim of the Rockstar event is to celebrate the Bizpedia community and recognise a standout member from each group. Each group’s host selects the “Rockstar” from each group based on the following criteria:

  • Attendance at Bizpedia events
  • Kindness in terms of doing something nice for a fellow member in their group
  • Connections such as introducing a new customer to a fellow member

Once the Rockstars are selected, they are then whisked away on a surprise trip as a thank you for their contribution to Bizpedia. This time, the surprise trip was skiing in Oslo, the fantastic capital of Norway. The following members were selected: Ryan Jupp (from Aone Insurance), Allison Ferris (from the Peter Cooper Motor Group), Steve Mullins (from Action Coach) and David Ayre (from Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt).

All attendees met Josh, the Founder of Bizpedia, at 8pm on Thursday the 24th of March at the Holiday Inn Express Heathrow terminal 5 for a team briefing. They were informed that they would be flying to Oslo the following morning for some skiing. The group departed Heathrow Airport on Friday the 25th at 7.25am and arrived in Oslo at 10.20am. When they arrived, they checked in to the beautiful, luxurious and elegant Hotel Bristol.

Following check-in, the fun started! The team headed to Oslo Winter Park Ski Resort, the largest in the capital, to go skiing. Allison, David and Ryan had never skied before. Steve and Josh had a few ski trips already under their belts. The ski resort boasts 18 slopes and a drop of 381 metres, and it has slopes suitable for beginners as well as the more advanced. Before the team went skiing, however, they needed to get their energy up, so they enjoyed a delicious lunch at one of the resort’s restaurants! Steve commented: “it was great to be back skiing on a mountain in such an amazing location.”


Later that evening, the group enjoyed an exclusive evening at the Bristol Grill restaurant before Josh, Steve, Ryan and David headed out to a live concert in the centre of Oslo. It’s fair to say that with a 3am arrival back at the hotel, there were a few sore heads (and muscles) in the morning over breakfast.

On the Saturday the Bizpedia Rockstars had the opportunity to explore the capital and take in some of its amazing architecture before flying back into London Heathrow that evening.


Here is what our members had to say about the trip:

“Oslo was an amazing couple of days. I enjoyed being around a group of great people. The hospitality of Josh was also world class. At every moment you never knew what was next, full of surprises which set out a great 2 days away. Thank you.” – Steve Mullins

“Definitely a weekend that will go down in history. I’ll be telling people about this trip for many years to come.” – Ryan Jupp

“Up there as one of the most memorable days/nights I have had. It was great to be put in a situation where I was out of my comfort zone. I had never skied before, or even thought about skiing, so to be told we were going to Oslo the evening before was quite amusing. To then be on the slopes and even managing a red run with the guys late in the afternoon was proper surreal, but exhilarating.” – David Ayre

“Thank you for a fabulous experience Josh, it was amazing to spend time with you guys – you are all legends! The food was also amazing.” – Allison Ferris

Josh also had a few words to say: “I love doing these Rockstar Events! I genuinely love spending time and thanking our amazing members for their contributions. It’s lots of fun trying to curate great experiences that hopefully deliver lifelong memories, for people I respect and admire.”

This is only one of the amazing events we run throughout the year for our Bizpedia members. If you are interested in finding out more about joining Bizpedia and how you and your business can benefit from our membership, please contact us via our website.

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