Bizpedia’s May Guest event for Southampton members – Sailing and a 3-course meal at The Hut

27th May / Bizpedia
This month, Southampton members enjoyed a day out sailing and a 3-course meal at The Hut. Find out more about the day and see some photos from the event.

This month, we ran Guest events for our members. The first Guest event was hosted on the 5th of May for our Southampton members and their guests. The day combined sailing with a 3-course meal at The Hut at Colwell Bay, Isle of Wight.

The day commenced with our members and their guests arriving at Haven Bistro in Lymington at 9.30am. They enjoyed some delicious tea, coffee and bacon rolls before getting on the yachts to set sail.

Once on the yachts, everyone was introduced to each other and a safety briefing was given. Then the fun began! Members and their guests had the opportunity to jump in, learn the ropes, and assist with trimming, helming and winching the sails. Some individuals had sailed before and some hadn’t, meaning that some were taken out of their comfort zones! Other members who preferred not to learn to sail relaxed with the skipper and took in the beautiful views on water.


The Southampton members and guests arrived at The Hut in Colwell Bay at 12.30pm. The Hut is a restaurant that boasts an ‘unrivalled passion for its simple yet delicious food in a relaxed, stylish environment.’ It was recently named in The Times newspaper as one of the best places to eat. The members and their guests were seated in ‘The Private Dining Room’, which The Hut defines as ‘the ultimate beachside private dining experience’. The room had stunning views of Hurst Castle and the western Solent.

The members and their guests all had a chance to talk and get to know each other before sitting down for a tasty 3-course meal, which consisted of food including Cured Salmon, Roasted Cod and an Ice Cream Sandwich.


The members and their guests then sailed back and arrived in Lymington at 4.30pm.

Alison Craig, a member who attended, said: “Such a great day, thank you Josh. Wonderful company and generally fabulous all round!”

Freya Nicholson, a guest who attended, commented: “A great day spent making interesting connections in beautiful surroundings. Wonderful food and so much fun sailing over to the Isle of Wight.”

Several of the groups got to experience this event throughout May and this was the first of the events. All really enjoyed the day with their guests and said that it was a great experience.

Josh, the Founder of Bizpedia commented: “I picked The Hut because of its reputation, and sailing has been a popular event before. It allowed us to turn up at The Hut in style! I enjoyed every event here with the different groups and would still go back. All the groups have stated that they really enjoyed the day despite the cold English weather.”

Guest events are just one of the events that Bizpedia runs for its members as part of their membership. Our events allow them the opportunity to take part in new experiences around like-minded people and make new business connections. If you are interested in joining Bizpedia, please send us a message via our contact form.

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