Get to know JJ, Bizpedia’s apprentice!

06th January / Bizpedia
We wanted to introduce you all to JJ, our apprentice, and let you find out a bit about him, his job, and what he does in his free time.

Updated Monday 18th of May

Here at Bizpedia, we have a wonderful apprentice! He is our Content Creator and we are so glad to have him as part of the Bizpedia team! JJ is a highly creative individual with a big passion for making videos and meeting new people. We asked JJ some questions about himself to find out what his job entails and what he enjoys outside of work. Read on to find out more.


1. What does a typical day as a Content Creator look like for you?

A typical day as a Content Creator starts with me referring to my notes from the day before, so that I can plan a schedule for the day. My day could include editing a video from content given to me, or it could be a day out filming and taking photos, then going home and editing that content. Depending on the amount of content filmed and the length of the event, editing can take a few hours or even a full day. Editing is the part that excites me the most, as it is at this stage when I can really use my creativity and I can start to experiment with all my ideas and create a great video.


2. What made you want to work for Bizpedia?

I saw working as a Content Creator for Bizpedia as a massive opportunity to work in media, as this is what I have dreamed of doing since I was a child. I don’t think many 18-year-olds are getting opportunities like this, so I am very grateful for the opportunity, but also proud of myself for proving that I am capable of a job such as this. This job allows me to practice and perfect my filming and editing skills daily, which I love. The thing that made me want to work for Bizpedia specifically, though, was that I think the company is fantastic and it allows me to improve my networking skills and to meet new people at the awesome events that Bizpedia hosts.


3. What do you love most about being a Content Creator?

What I love most about being a Content Creator is that I get to use my creative side constantly; I can come up with different ideas and improve my craft every day. I can also turn people’s wonderful ideas into engaging videos; my creativity helps with that a lot! I also take photos and enjoy photography regularly in my free time as well.


4. What kind of things do you work on?

I’m always working on promotional content for Bizpedia. This mostly includes editing video clips from events and sticking them together. I’m also working on podcast content which takes place on a Sunseeker which is a really cool place to record a podcast! I take the footage and audio after a days recording and I stick it all together.


5. What hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?

I have a lot! Some of them include: boxing, gym, graphic design, films, video editing, rugby and cooking. I have always loved playing sports; I feel that they have helped me to become strong mentally and physically over the years. I started playing rugby when I was 9 and I have always loved the game. When I tell people that I love cooking, they are surprised, but I find cooking therapeutic as I’m in my own zone, in silence, just cooking away!


6. If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

Strong, Passionate, Dedicated


7. What is your favourite food?

My favourite food has to be my mums Jollof Rice; this is a West African rice dish and I think it’s very tasty! I’m half West African.


8. What TV show do you love?

My favourite TV show has to be Breaking Bad; it’s honestly the best TV show I have ever watched. I love the way you grow with the characters and experience everything with them; it feels like you’re actually in the show!


9. As a film-lover, what is your favourite film?

My favourite movie at the moment is Dr Strange: Multiverse of Madness. This movie surprised me as a Marvel fan; it was executed pretty well.


10. What vacation has been your favourite?

My favourite vacation would have to be when I went to Ghana, West Africa, this September 2021. I went to visit my family that I had not seen in 4 years! There was lots to do and I got to see some amazing attractions. I went to the Mole National Park, which is a safari full of wonderful wildlife. It was just like something out of Lion King!


11. If you could go back in time, who would you love to meet and why?

If I could go back in time and meet someone, it would have to be my Grandad on my dad’s side of the family. I was never able to meet him, but every time my family talk about him, they say that he was a great and proud man, a military man who served in WW2 as a Royal Engineer. If he was here right now, I would ask him for his wise advice about life in general.


12. Do you have a personal mantra you would like to share?

I like Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”  This quote reminds us that, even if you are having a bad day, make the most you can out of it as you never know what will happen tomorrow. Life is short and we are blessed for today!


We would like to thank JJ for his time! When you are next at a Bizpedia event, feel free to say hello! If you would like to connect with JJ, you can add him on LinkedIn.

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