Get to know Kayleigh, our South Coast Host!

22nd August / Interviews
Kayleigh has just joined us as our South Coast Host. Find out what Kayleigh likes to do in her free time and why she chose to work for us.

Kayleigh has just joined the team here at Bizpedia. She is our new South Coast Host. She will be managing our Southampton, Bournemouth, Poole and Portsmouth groups. Her role involves looking after our members, so they get the best out of their membership. We interviewed her to find out what she likes to do in her free time and what appealed to her about joining Bizpedia.


1. What made you want to work for Bizpedia?

A recruiter sent me the job description. When I read it, it immediately excited me! I could tell I would enjoy the role. The job seemed right up my street and my skillset matched it. The role as a South Coast Host is very much people-based, and the vision and values behind Bizpedia I also loved. I get the opportunity to bring people together and that was a big thing for me.


2. What’s the greater impact you want to create in your role?

To bring people together and to make sure that people get as much benefit as possible from their Bizpedia membership. I really enjoy helping people, and I love that in this role I get the opportunity to do that.


3. What are your hobbies outside work?

I am a massive cinema goer. I love a variety of movies but my favourite are action movies. I am a huge Marvel and Disney fan. I like classics such as Jurassic Park, Star Wars and Back to the Future.

I love socialising and eating out. I love a place called Kyoto Kitchen, a sushi restaurant in Winchester.

I also like going to the gym. I am a Mobile DJ at the weekends, regularly playing Earth Wind and Fire at local weddings, so do keep me in mind for any upcoming special occasions.

I am an adrenaline seeker. I climbed Snowdon last year. I am climbing it again this year as well as going down the world’s fastest zip wire at Zip World, which I am excited about. I want to go skydiving at some point.


4. If I ask your friends to describe you in 3 words, what would they say?

Chatty, caring and fun.


5. What is your personal mantra?

‘Hakuna Matata’, which means no worries. If something is in the past, worrying or getting angry about it will not change things; you just need to learn from it.


6. What makes you happiest in life?

Seeing others happy. I like doing things to help people.


7. What is your favourite book?

I love QI books. They have facts in them that are really interesting. As an example I learnt that George Bush once said his favourite book as a child was the Very Hungry Caterpillar, but this was actually released when he was 23.


8. What is your favourite TV show?

I have two. House, which is a medical drama. It’s so interesting, I learn so much from it, but it’s also really funny. Family Guy is the second. No matter what mood I am in, it makes me laugh.


9. What is your favourite film?

I have two favourites. Avengers: Infinity War, It is so amazing aesthetically. The CGI is fantastic. The movie is perfection to me.

I also love The Lion King. I watched it growing up and it was my favourite. It is a feel-good film and I love the meanings behind the movie.


10. What is your favourite food?

I love seafood.


11. If you could meet anyone past or present, who would you choose?

I would choose to meet Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart. I love their morals and values. Dwayne is big on family and seems very kind and giving. If I met him, I would ask him to bench press me there and then!

With Kevin Hart, he talks about success and what it looks like, but he is also humble and so funny!

We would like to thank Kayleigh for her time! Feel free to say hello to Kayleigh at our next networking event or connect with her on LinkedIn.


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